Solo showBacio, Bern, CH
Welcome to Daisy‘s,
Daisy is my closest friend yet my greatest stranger. I wanted to apologise on her behalf: she couldn‘t be here because she didn‘t want to. You can‘t force Daisy. You hardly dare to hope for her.
Daisy does nothing to please me.
When I think, she laughs.
When I look outside, she watches a soap opera.
When I clap my hands, she bangs her fists.
Yes, she and I are very different. For instance, I‘m here, she‘s not. But she wanted to tell you. Well, she wanted me to tell you that, yes, she‘s not here, but she doesn‘t need that to love you that much.
(Text Yoann Cosson)
The exhibition Daisy invites an exploration of questions of comfort in the context of domestic and inhabited space. An analogy between interior spaces, physical and mental states. Existing structures and narratives subvert the formal and conceptual language of objects, furniture and materials of the domestic sphere. A space that tries to protect us architecturally, socially and mentally, and expectations of a place where we should feel comfortable. The interior that can feel intimate and close, but at the same time can be uncomfortable and oppressive. A sense of ambivalence that runs through the show.
In her work, Andrea Cindy Raemy often draws on materials and objects that have existed before, that may already have a history and that have probably been in another place and time. Besides the primary use of these objects and materials, which is to facilitate our daily lives, their design gives the illusion of harmony between our consciousness and space. Through their omnipresence in everyday life, furniture also absorbs memories, emotions and feelings, both good and bad. Once they become familiar to us, their emotional value exceeds their material and aesthetic value. A closer look reveals complex constructions in which moods, social power structures and the creation of bonds manifest themselves.
Through re-appropriation, transformation or assemblage, her works become strange creatures, absurd objects or dreamlike landscapes. Once installed on the wall or floor, these transformed objects are altars of waking dream, of reclaiming control over everyday life, of our ability to break through the boundaries of the space we have chosen or that is imposed on us.
(Text Bacio Collective)
List of works:
Schild mit Wortspiel
Anzug 1
Exhibition views: 2023, Daisy, Bacio, Bern, CH
Flyer Design: Bacio Collective
Photo credits: Bacio Collective